Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life in New Zealand

Somewhere a teacher works in an extremely high risk industry by night. Her health and her safety are however her business and so is how she chooses to earn an extra buck. By day she takes photographs of kid's lunch boxes and makes phone calls to parents warning them of the dangers of peanut butter sandwiches and fat-saturated chippies. At least that is what the Ministry of Education tells her to do.

When I was a kid I just couldn't get into Alice in Wonderland. Its preposterousness went beyond entertainment. So does this.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the delights of central control, Lindsay.

I'd like five mins with whomever was silly enough to "tick me off for giving a toddler a marshmallow"!

But she wouldn't! ;)

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is wrong with my daughter having a peanut butter sandwich again? Control-freak socialists drive me insane.

Brian Smaller