Monday, May 26, 2008

What Cindy Kiro really thinks

The New Zealand Herald reports on a survey commissioned by Family First about behaviour and attitudes to smacking since the passage of the anti-smacking legislation;

Children's Commissioner Cindy Kiro said yesterday that she had not seen the survey.

But she urged people to move on and learn better parenting skills.

"The key message is, 'For goodness sake, can't we move on?' So much energy has been wasted debating this."

That's an interesting attitude in itself. Very. It reveals that the Children's Commissioner does not care for discussion or debate when it comes to what she wants to do. To those of us who would put up objections, the key message is actually, "you are wasting your energy". Presumably we will be wasting our energy opposing any other of her initiatives like mandatory screening of every baby's home life.

The Office for the Children's Commissioner should be disbanded. It is partisan, it is authoritarian. And worse still, of the matters that it seeks to control, which has improved since its inception? The number of established child abuse cases? Bullying in schools? Youth violence? Adolescent pregnancy?

The only real success the office has achieved is in rubbing good parents up the wrong way while spending their money touring the world promoting New Zealand as some sort of world beater. How ironic.

As the Commissioner is so very fond of 'sending messages' here is mine; I will decide what is and isn't a waste of my energy. I am not here to roll over at your behest.


Anonymous said...

This office, along with the Womens office, Pacific ministry, etc etc etc should be summarily closed on day 1 - whatever the "employment contracts" say - and everyone fired without any recompense.

Anonymous said...

On this we agree Lindsay. Kiro is, for me, possibly the most offensive bureaucrat in office today, and one of the most dangerous if she were ever to rise through the graft, sorry, ranks. She opens her mouth, and of a sudden we're all transported to Stalin's USSR.


Mark Hubbard

Anonymous said...

"For goodness sake, can't we move on? So much energy has been wasted debating this."

I heard this on the radio this morning. Shades of "The science is settled. Move on".

Translation: "We've got we want & to hell with the rest of you".

Anonymous said...

We won. You lost. Eat That.

and there's the door

I can't wait until Key says that to every bureaucrat in Wellington!

ZenTiger said...

But she urged people to move on and learn better parenting skills.

This is not an "either/or" proposition here, although Kiro would try to make it seem that way.

Whilst we are busy with good parenting, we are also busy with keeping the State out of our kids bedrooms.

She's getting us confused with different sorts of parents, that even after two years in the bedroom, can't figure out who killed two babies. When they can't get the big things right, one worries that they will prosecute the little things with the same level of incompetence, or if not incompetence.

ZenTiger said...

..or if not incompetence, with misplaced zeal.