Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why we have big government

"One reason why government grows is that its programs often impose small costs on a wide population while granting substantial benefits to relatively small interest groups. This gives the beneficiaries a powerful motive to support the program, and the cost-bearers little motive to oppose it...... (but imagine that) everyone's taxes will go up by a dime. Now multiply this process by the number of potential interest groups and the capacity of members of Congress to propose laws, and you'll start to understand why we have such a large government today."

Well put by R.W.Bradford who discusses how best to get rid of big government here. His closing comment is interesting.

"The libertarian movement is too decentralized, and libertarians themselves too ornery, for all of us to choose one path. But if we let a hundred flowers bloom, some of those blossoms may well to bring us closer to liberty."

Ornery!! libertarians??


Anonymous said...

Sadly Mr. Bradford recently died of cancer. He made one visit to New Zealand where he reported on the state of libertarian ideas in the country. For that he was savaged by the Libz because they didn't like his report. Apparently he didn't agree with their own high opinion of themselves.

Rick said...

How rare